You weigh 22 lbs. 4 ozs. You are 29 inches long.
You don't talk much beyond "Mama" and "Dada," but you try and you often mimick our tone and even sounds for words like "up" and "wanna bite."
You love to watch "My First Signs" by Baby Einstein and you have watched it almost every day since you were 3 months old, and yet you refuse to sign anything more than "milk."
You have been walking for three months and get around very well, except when you are tired, then you are a little clutz.
You love to eat anything sweet! You will recognize my bag of Peanut M&Ms from 50 yards away and will eat almost anything fruit related. You love to gnaw on a chicken bone, a cob of corn, and even an apple.
You aren't fond of peaches or green beans, and near your 9 month mark, I tried to give you Jello. You subsequently refused to trust me feeding you for weeks after!
You're a crappy sleeper, who absolutely refuses to sleep alone!
You just recently stopped nursing every 3 hours around the clock and, if I am lucky, I get to sleep from 11pm to about 4am without nursing you.
Daddy is the best, out of the two of us, at putting you to sleep. You try to fight, but you just can't ignore his baritone.
You are also a little daredevil who likes to push off from Daddy's chest to land in the pillows and can never wait for him to count to 3.
Every time that the phone rings, you think that it is time to talk to Papaw, even though you won't make a peep on the phone and usually end up trying to push the buttons.
You love Peek-a-boo Pop Up books.
You are a little social butterfly who is never happier than with an audience.
You love your sissies and get excited whenever they come home because then it is time to play. I think that they get a little tired of always taking you outside.
You are simply a joy in all of our lives!
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