Thursday, December 29, 2011

What a Month!

This month has definitely been a trying one! I am a little discouraged, but not too much. We are still only at the beginning of our journey. I did, however, take about 6 pregnancy tests this month. I was due, according to my calculations (since I couldn't get the ovulation tests to work), to ovulate on 12/10. On the the 12th, I finally noticed that my discharge had changed. It was typical consistancy of when I ovulate, but it never went away. So, after a few days, I decided to give a pregnancy test a try (mainly because I had new ones and wanted to give it a whirl).

Then, it occurred to me that I was due to start my new cycle on 12/24 and I started day dreaming about what a wonderful Christmas present that would be - to be pregnant and find out on Christmas. Between 12/15 and 12/29, I took about 6 pregnancy tests (luckily I just got a great deal on a butt load of them)! Each one, I hoped, but I wasn't exactly heartbroken when they weren't positive. Yes, we are trying, but there is still a lot to be done before we would be ready to welcome a little one.

Still, it would have been a great Christmas present!

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