Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Trials vs. Faith

The hubby and I attended a new Sunday school class this week and they had an interesting lesson. It was a lesson on the relationship between the trials in your life and your faith, or the development thereof.

Many of us, Christians included, view trials as either a punishment or an attack from the devil. But, I would like to propose a different way of looking at these trials.

Could a trial in our life be an attack from the devil? Could the trials that we face be a punishment from God? Could it be possible that the trials in our life are just the consequences of the choices that we make? Yes, yes, and yes.

What if the trials that we undergo in our life are used for a different reason? What if the trials in our life are used to develop our faith? Is this possible? I believe that it is.

Think about it. Think about the trials that you have faced. I know that before I faced trials in my life (real trials), I thought of God, the Father, as a concept. Yes, he cares for me. Yes, he loves me. But, it’s never as real as it is during or after a trial.

I am guilty as the next person of trying to face my trials alone. Yet, even when I think that I have, when I look back, I see the footprints in the sand. I see where God carried me through, even if I didn’t recognize it at the time. When I see that, my heart aches with love, His love.

Look at the trials in your own life. What do you think? Could your trials have been used to grow your faith and bring you closer to our glorious God?

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