Monday, July 9, 2012

McFatty Monday - Week 23

My Goals

lose 10 lbs = pedicure

lose 20 lbs  = mani and pedi

lose 30 lbs = TBA

lose 40 lbs  =  TBA

LONG TERM GOAL : lose 94.7 lbs

The Scale

Starting Weight: 234.8 lbs

Current Weight: 235.6 lbs

Weight Loss this Week: -0.8 lbs.

Total Lost: 4.8 lbs

NSV : Non Scale Victory

This week I:

-resisted the temptation to send my hubby out for Oreos even though I was PMSing and craving chocolate


The Goal: 30 minutes three times a week

The reality: didn't manage to make time for any formal exercise


The Goal: 1720 calories a day

The reality: managed to stay within my limits all but one day (margaritas will kill your calories)

My Feelings:

I was excited to see 2lbs bite the dust last week, but I still seem slow to gain momentum/enthusiasm about losing weight. I guess that is what 9 months of unsuccessful trying will do to you.


  1. Can't tell you what encouragement I got when I finally saw the scales take a little dip last week--keep hanging in there, slow going, but worth it!

  2. Meredith,

    Thank you for the encouragement!
