Thursday, September 13, 2012

What Men Have to Deal With!

You know we, as women, take offense when men indicate that we are acting unreasonable due to "that time of the month." But, I am here to tell you, sometimes, they are right!

I talked in my last post about how great my actual birth day was. However.....the following day....I was irrational, sensitive, and downright B I itchy. I honestly don't know how a man can deal with a hormonal woman.

There was so much going on with me that I think a jury of my peers (women, that is) would have given me a verdict of not guilty by reason of temporary insanity.

1.) It was the day after my birthday;
2.) I had been home with a sick child two days of the week,
3.) Which, caused me to have to call in sick to work;
4.) It is my PMS time; and
5.) I have been so enthralled with reading good blogs and the hubby with fantasy football, that we haven't been snuggling up at night, so I was feeling disconnected.

Every place that I saw to dig at my poor hubby, I took. If some guy said something on TV, I took the opportunity to turn it on him. For instance, we were watching a movie and one of the actors played a very chevenistic guy who said that if a woman wanted to be wanted, she should hit a stair master.

I know, I know, you are thinking "NO, you didn't!"


But, YES     I      DID!

I turned it around to indicate that I needed to lose weight or my poor hubby wouldn't be attracted to me. (Yeah, I am 100% sure that I didn't say anything nearly so nice!)

After hours of poor hubby was desperate for a hiding place! I cried for seemingly no reason, I got angry for imagined slights, I even freaked out (I mean screamed and cried) because my hubby tried to touch me with what I imagined were dirty hands.

The worst part is that even when I realized that I was being unreasonable, I couldn't stop. Luckily, I woke up the next morning in a seemingly better mood and a very contrite heart. I only hope that I doesn't take my hubby months to get over that night as I am sure that it would take me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure he accepted this post as an appropriate apology! We all have those days, for sure :)
