Monday, October 22, 2012

Going Through the Motions

Today, at church (yes I am posting this a few days late), our pastor preached on how this life, no matter how good or bad, is not how things/life are supposed to be. He compared our life on earth with the attempt of zoos to try to recreate and animals "natural habitat." To try to make them feel like they are at home and in their normal state.

This got me thinking about my own life and heart. I have talked before about my inability to connect with life, my ability (and even my habit) to emotionally disconnect. This is not how life is supposed to be.

Life is not supposed to be just going through the motions.

But, when a child is abused and neglected (like I was), their heart is damaged. It is like those caged animals, no matter how much we try to make our actions look like normal people, they are not natural.

We go through the motions, but we don't know how to truly feel them.

I stood in church this morning singing, even before the sermon, and I realized (while singing) that I was just going through the motions. I was mouthing the words, I even got into the beat a little, on the outside, I was doing everything right, but the praise never really touched my heart.

This is not how it is supposed to be.

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