Saturday, November 10, 2012

I Hear You!

Okay Lord, I hear you. It is through the blogs that I hear you, but I hear you!

I get the same general message from the blogs that I on your marriage, don't give up. I get that there is something there that He wants me to clue in to but my flesh doesn't want to hear it.

Everyone has started writing posts on how to improve your marriage, how to be a better wife, or how to help you husband step into his role.

I think that the Lord is sending me a message to let go and let him deal with my problems, but I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to. My flesh tells me that I am constantly getting the short end of the stick and shouldn't just accept it. Unfortunately, God keeps telling me to lay my burdens on Him.

My struggle is that I have a lot of burdens, I always have. I was born to abusive and alcoholic parents. I have been through two step mothers, foster care, single parenthood....basically, I have been through Hell and back, but I can't seem to escape. As much as I praise the Lord for bringing me through trials,  I can't seem to let go and let him take the lead before or during my trials.

1 comment:

  1. You are in my prayers. I struggle with many of the same things and keep working so hard to give my burdens to God--it is so difficult, I know!
