Saturday, April 23, 2011


I have heard people say that jealousy is a cancer. I used to think that a little jealousy could be healthy, but now, I have learned the hard way that it is a cancer. It's a cancer that can completely distort how you view others and even how you view yourself. But how do you overcome jealousy? For me, I don't know that it is possible at this point...

A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones. Proverbs 14:30

We get jealous when we see others enjoying things that we wish we had. When we are in a jealous mode, we are telling God that we do not believe he will prosper us. Jealousy is unbelief. So, when you feel jealous of something, you must realize that your faith is being blocked.

Now, I have heard others say that jealousy is a completely selfish emotion. But, what if you are jealous on behalf of someone else? Like a mother being jealous on behalf of her child and what her child is dealing with? Is that still completely selfish?

Now, through my research, I have found suggestions on how to overcome jealousy, but none really pertain to my situation. Most suggestions are to put your jealousy into perspective, ask yourself questions like:

Is the person really a threat to you? But, what if your answer is a large resounding YES? This bewilders me....where do I turn now?

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