Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Your Health, Your Fertility

As you know, health effects your attitude, but did you know it effects your fertility as well? In all my reading, health effects your attitude, your attitude effects your fertility and your health effects your fertility, as well. Talk about a triangle!

Me and the hubs will start trying to concieve soon. Unfortunately, I am about85 lbs overweight. I weigh 50lbs more now than when I had my daughter 10 years ago. There is no time like now to get moving on my health. (Not to mention I want one of those gorgeous baby bumps that I keep seeing around.)

Here are some seemingly easy goals that were given to me by my counselor over a year ago. They seem easy, but I have struggled with them forever...

Goal #1: Keep track of your weight. In order to get an accurate view of your weight, weigh yourself once a week, on the same day of the week.

Goal #2: Eat at least 3 healthy meals a day. You should never go more than 6-8 hours without eating. The frequency with which you eat effects your blood sugar levels. In turn, blood sugar levels affect your moods.

Goal #3: No caffeine after 2pm. Of course, when you are prego or TTC, you should consume no more that one cup of coffee a day, anyway. Just make sure it's not after 2pm.

Goal #4: No eating after 7 or 7:30pm. This will help you to sleep at night. Eating late in the day can cause your blood sugar levels to spike at an inopportune time, if you are trying to go to sleep and can also give you biological reasons for waking at night.

Goal #5: Exercise 3-4 times a week. Start small. Take a walk around the block or go to your local mall and window shop. Walking, gardening or playing with your kids or pets are all examples of activities that you can do anywhere or anytime. Even small amounts of activity can help increase your energy level. Also, find creative ways to fit more activity into your day-to-day life. Simple changes like walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevator or parking further from the door of your office building will increase your activity level and give you more energy without feeling like a burden.

As I said, these goals seem doable but I have struggled with them all in the past. I am such a perfectionist that when I can't do it right, I give up.

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