Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sort of a Wierd Proud Moment

I post a lot (here recently) about my anger. Well, I am very proud of myself.

We got a new van two weeks ago today. Well, when we bought it, there were three things that still needed to be fixed on it (the back automatic hatch wasn't working, the radio isn't working properly, and there is a purely cosmetic piece to be replaced). It took way too much prodding (in my opinion) on me and my husband's parts to get the repairs started. It took my husband dropping by and about three phone calls on my part.

Well, Monday night, we dropped the van off at the dealership so that they could start the repairs. Tuesday evening, we get a call. They have to replace the motor and lift kit in the back hatch and it will take another day. I opted to take the van back for Wednesday, since I had the day off, and we dropped it off Wednesday night. Thursday, I call the dealership twice just to get put off to Friday. Friday, I call and am put off,  my husband stops by just to be put off, then we both stop by just to be told that we can't have it back until Monday.

Then, I ask about the radio and they haven't even started to work on it! I ask about the cosmetic piece and "it's on order" just like it was two weeks ago! Mind you, without my car, I have to spend 10.5 hours a day at work. (I love my job, but come on, no one wants to be there that long!) But, I KEPT IT TOGETHER!

Of course, I told the dealer exactly how long I have to stay at work when I don't have a car. But I didn't kick and scream like I wanted to. I didn't even take it out on my family when we got home. I wasn't short with them. I was cranky, yes. I had every right to be, but I wasn't ANGRY.

This may be a baby step, or something that doesn't sound like much to you, but it's a great weight off of my heart for me!

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