Thursday, May 24, 2012

Our Journey With What We Thought Was ADHD (Part3)

You can read Part 2 here.

Okay, where was I?    Oh yeah...
Over halfway through the 3rd grade, my oldest was screened for AD/HD. I spoke with our pediatrician, who is a wonderful woman and a real advocate for her patients. I expressed my hesitation with putting my daughter on stimulant medication and she agreed. There was research that indicated that Omega-3 Fish Oil was beneficial to children with AD/HD, so we opted to give it a try for a few months. I went out and searched for the brand names that I was provided by the doctor and started a daily regimen of fish oil.
But, by the end of the school year, I had to admit that the fish oil wasn't helping and we tried my daughter on non-stimulant medications. We tried Strattera and I noticed severe mood swings right away. So, we tried Intuniv for the better part of 4th grade. My oldest, however, started having trouble sleeping at night and her grades dropped significantly from the year before. (If you ask my daughter about her 4th grade year, almost a year later, she will tell you that she slept through most of it.) There were just too many side effects so the counselor, the pediatrician, and I decided to take her off the AD/HD medication.

So ended our journey with AD/HD medications. Our pediatrician, however, was convinced that something else had to be going on and referred my daughter to Brenner's Children's Hospital for testing for Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD). It was a real nightmare to get her in. We started in September and two months later, I was still trying to obtain the initial questionnaires that needed to be filled out by us and my daughter's teacher. When I did finally get the paperwork and fill it out, I sent it back, but we never got an appointment.

Then, the bottom fell out from under us. January 26th, I got a call from my husband (who is a teacher at our children's school). My oldest daughter's teacher was concerned. Another student reported that my daughter was asking classmates to bring a knife or a gun to school so she could kill herself.

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