Friday, June 15, 2012

A Stubborn Heart

I wonder who else out there experiences this....a stubborn heart.

Once my feelings have been hurt, real or imaginary, I can't move past it until that hurt is confessed to the one who hurt me. I can pray, I can cry, I can be mad at the world, but I can't move past that hurt until it is confessed.

Once it is confessed, whether I believe the situation will be rectified or not, at least I can move on, but until then, I sit and I stew. No matter how I try to distract myself, my mind wanders back. No matter that I try to move past the hurt/wrong, I just can't fully do it until it is confessed.

Do any of you experience this? How do you move past it?

1 comment:

  1. I definitely have issues with being hurt! It's really hard to move on when you are. I just keep praying about it and trying to turn it over to God. Would be awesome to be able to talk it over with the person, but in this particular situation, I can't. So just between me and God on this one...;)
