Wow! It seems like every time that I start to draw closer to the Lord (through prayer or delving into His word), I come under attack. The devil is like an annoying little brother, he knows just what buttons to push to drive me crazy! This time, he is using my kids.

I try very, very hard to make sure that my girls have all that they need. A roof over their head, a warm bed to sleep in, clean clothes, and a hot meal (even though my hubby usually does the cooking). But nothing drives me crazier than ingratitude and disrespect. For some reason here lately, I have been getting both of these from my girls. They have taken the form of not making their beds properly, leaving their stuff about the house, or even constantly asking for special favors. (All accomplished by my oldest.)

 But, something has gotten into my youngest one! She is constantly giving me "looks." They range from smug little "grandma catered to me when you didn’t want her to" looks to all out rolling her eyes when she gets in trouble!

Now, I have to admit that I have felt convicted lately because I don’t spend enough time with my girls and the time that I do have at home is spent cleaning or on the computer (or some combination of the two). So I may be extra sensitive, but I just don’t feel like there is enough of me to go around. I want to be in God’s word , so I am reading my Bible and some other Christian books. I want to keep bugs out of our house, so I spend a good portion of time cleaning. I need to bring home a paycheck, so I spend quite a bit of time at work every week. I want to be a good wife, so I spend time snuggling up the hubby at night. I want to....I want to....I want to.....I need to....I need to....I need to.....Unfortunately, my girls get the short end of the stick when it comes to one on one time. I get torn between setting a good example for them and accomplishing all the things that I need to.
Satan knows where he can hit me below the belt right now and boy is he going to town. The bad thing is, I don’t know how to block him. I don’t know how to not let these things get to me. I don’t know how to rein my house and my life back in so that I can re prioritize it.