Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Christianity Serves Us.

While listening to this great program by Andy Stanley called Shocking Statements of Jesus, he made a great point that I had never, ever considered. (Well, several points, really, but we will start with one.)

" Christianity serves us. "

Christianity serves us? What? Isn't Christianity all about serving others? Well, think about it . . . A Christian tends to have good friends, lie less, doesn't steal, and stays out of serious trouble. You know what? He was right.

I was saved at the young age of seven. I was raised by a sexually abusive father and an alcoholic/drug addict mother, How else can you explain my life? Christianity has served me well. I never got sucked into drugs. I did not grow up and into a promiscuous life, as is common with those who have suffered the childhood that I have. I made fairly good decisions for my life, even at a young age. (At the age of 15, I opted to remain in foster care instead of living with my mom. This sounds weird but was a good decision for a very impressionable and hurting teenager.)

To this day, I don't see much worldly moral influence in my life at a young age. My mom was the best mom that she was capable of being, but she was a drug addict and alcoholic. My father had high "family values," but molested his own daughter. I had some good teachers, but I was an army brat and from a broken home, I stayed no where for more than a year at a time. The Holy Spirit gets all the credit for my moral compass. He moved into my heart at the age of seven and guided me well. So, yes, Christianity has served me well.

If it wasn't for Christianity, I wouldn't have the life I do. Yes, my life has problems, but consider my childhood and consider my life now. I am married to a stable and dependable man. I have a loving, compassionate, and responsible daughter. I have had tremendous positive influence in my stepdaughter (not indicating that her daddy didn't, by any means). My husband and I own a house and a piece of property. We live in a decent area and are working toward building a good house on our property. Seriously! What else could I need?

Yes, Christianity has served me well.

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