Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Okay, I have been struggling for a while, but I haven't posted here about my ... weight loss (or lack thereof).

The day after I turned 31, I weighed myself and I was... eeek!...230lbs. I joined myfitnesspal.com. I started tracking calories, fat, protein, and fiber. I maintained a 1700 calorie or less diet for three months! What did I have to show for it? Another 10 lbs!

Needless to say, I got depressed and obsessed with my weight. I even started contemplating starving myself and that is when I decided to turn to my doctor.

My doctor says that while my TSH is "within limits", it is typically over 3, therefore I have a sluggish thyroid. She drew blood for a final recheck and if my TSH is still 2 or 3, then she will call me in a prescription for Synthroid.


  1. Yikes. That sucks. I have PCOS, which is a big reason I have weight issues. That and genetics. BUT, I the metformin has helped with my insulin resistance, which helps with not storing excess insulin as fat. Whatever helps get us in better health, right? You can do it!


    1. Thanks A. You are one of the reasons that I got with my doctor as soon as I detected a problem. You are a great inspiration!

  2. If you have any sorts of thyroid related diseases, desiccated porcine tablet is one of the best solutions you've got.

    1. I appreciate the suggestion Andrea, but my prescription from the doctor costs a lot less, so I'll give it a try. I appreciate the input, though.
