Monday, May 14, 2012

It's True, Women Like to Test Men

Yes, I am still trying to work my way through the book called So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore.

I honestly haven't felt strong enough to continue my battle with insecurity and I had given up on it. But now, I know that I must continue my battle. Now, I have support and I must continue.

In my reading today, Beth talks about how women like to test men. How, as young ladies, we easily learn and thrill to testing boys/young men. How we tease and test, even when we don't necessarily want the boy/young man that we are teasing.

This is true as we grow as well. I remember testing boys in middle school and I remember teasing guys in high school. Even though I was way more mature than others of my own age, I fell into this same trap as well.

And, I still do. Yes, I still tease and test, even if not in the same ways. I test my husband. I want to be the center of his universe. To be completely honest, there are times where I have insisted on it. I can't stand it when I feel like I have to compete with things like sports and work, etc.

Don't get me wrong, I have a wonderful loving husband, but I also have a damaged self esteem. Therefore, I am easily threatened. I have felt threatened by exes, by sports, by children, even by church. And, I haven't always reacted the best way to these threats.

To be completely honest, I am not yet ready to let up on my battle with some of these threats. I wish that I was "that" well, but I am not. Honestly, there may be some that of these threats....ah hem....cough, cough...sports...that I never let up on.

1 comment:

  1. I can totally sympathize with how you feel. I think I need to get my hands on that book.

    I found you through Favorite Things Friday and am now following you! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Take care
