Friday, October 26, 2012



I wish that I had done more research!

I was raised by alcoholic and abusive parents, so growing up I took every home economics and parenting class that I could. And then when I actually found out that I was pregnant, I read every parenting book that I could get my hands on.

What I didn't read up on was the effect of a child being raised by a parent with depression. Wow! I never knew that that something that I am used to can and may have effected my child so much!

Basically, having depressed parents raises the risks of depression for the child multiple times.

Depression is no joke! I have not just depression, but PTSD and some sort of anxiety disorder. And, yes, I have dealt with it as long as I can remember. (I was diagnosed at 15 years.) For me, it is just part of life. As a matter of fact, I have become even more acutely aware of the fact that I don't even think like other people do. For me, the idea of living a joy filled, normal life is completely foreign. I don't know how other people do it. (But, back to the subject at hand.)

Now, I am dealing with a depressed child. (She isn't even really a moody teenager, yet.)

I have watched her sink for weeks now. She has started secluding herself more and more. She has taken to also playing babyish games with her younger sister (which drives me up the wall). She doesn't wash her hair properly or even brush her teeth properly. Her clothes don't always match and she has lost all interest in her appearance.

But, what is completely out of character for her is that she no longer wants to go to church. She has been moved from children's church to the youth program and now, she wants nothing to do with it. She seems to be avoiding social interaction with her peers. Now, keep in mind, the rest of the 6th graders moved with her, so she has been with some of these kids for 3+ years now, but still she doesn't want to go.

The first week, she hid in the bathroom and one of our friends found her there and let me know what was going on. Last week, she got all decked out in her best dress, etc. Then, practically begged not to have to go.

Then, last week, we went to hang out at the part with my SIL, BIL, and nephew at the park. My oldest peed in her pants. My 11 year old peed in her pants! Not once, but twice while we were there. She blew it off by claiming to have sat in water, but that is SOOO NOT WHAT HAPPENED! But, where do I go from here?

Again, she doesn't qualify for help for her underlying disorder (CAPD), the psychiatrist tells me that regular therapy is not going to help her social issues, she need group therapy, but there is none to be had around.

First and foremost, I found out that she has not been taking her antidepressant like she is supposed to, so we have pushed to get her to take her meds, but now what?


  1. Ugh. What a struggle. I'm sorry you have this to deal with. My mother was very depressed too, so I know too well how this can be passed on. Praying some sort of answer or clarity comes soon...

    1. Thank you Meredith.

      It is a difficult battle and, unfortunately, my 11 year old is already starting it. :-(

  2. I can't offer any medical help, but I can pray--and I will. I hope God will lead someone to your blog post who will have answers for you.
